The demolition of buildings and elegal constructions threw everybody in wondering. At first The old town of Nesevar is a Ionesko Culture heritage. And no additional reconstruction is to be significantly allowed, but if you forbid activity you are stopping at one point growth. This is the opinion of the people whose buildings and "ad ons" were demolished.
They say - we applied our documents to the municipality but never received an answer. We were promised that what we are doing will receive a proper documentation and permissions. Now they say - the law forbids... We would like to ask - were was the law the past decade? Why did you wait us to build and waste out money...
This conflict resulted in the demolition of parts of several buildings in protection of the cultural heritage. What is the problem actually since outlaw buildings is a phenomenon we have to fight with? The problem consist in the constant complication of the documentation needed for construction. The problem is that regulation forbids new facade concepts on places that are fakely called heritage zones and people do not trust the judgment of regulation as to what is heritage and what is not.
So they end up building and rebuilding on places that really are national, and world heritage. Fixing the problems - authority said - we will be much more caring about these problems and much more cooperative.
Yet! Gypsies's homes are almost ALL out of law and they still stand. We hope justice will be just for everybody. If you sanction all you must sanction them as well and demolish their homes as well for even the land is not for certainty theirs. Whoever has documents - great. The rest - you should have thought about this earlier just like everybody else.